Why deal with a AACB Member?

AACB members are not the biggest certification bodies in the world, but because JAS-ANZ accreditation treats all certification bodies the same, this is not an issue. All certification bodies, big and small have to meet the same requirements. This includes demonstrating that we do what we say we do. Every accredited certification body has to demonstrate its commitment to customers and we have to measure how well we do this.

AACB members are committed to providing a consistently high level of service and if an individual member can’t provide the certification you require, they can refer you to another AACB member who can in the knowledge that you will get a consistent level of service.

We meet regularly as part of a peer review process and exchange of information to ensure we are achieving this objective and to liaise with JAS-ANZ and other stakeholders. While we compete with each other in the market place we also cooperate to ensure we represent accredited certification with integrity and impartiality.