Enviro-Mark Solutions is the leading provider of environmental certification in New Zealand. Since 2001, its programmes have ensured that New Zealand companies are benefiting from international best practice, applied science, and effective tools. Enviro-Mark Solutions is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research, a Government-owned Crown Research Institute. Though developed for New Zealand business needs, Enviro-Mark Solutions’ offerings currently serve over 300 clients worldwide.
We have a suite of accreditations for our services. Our CEMARS and carboNZero certification services are accredited by the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ) and were the world’s first accredited under ISO 14065. CEMARS is recognised by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) for companies reporting into the CDP; and CEMARS has recently been recognised in statutory guidance for the new energy compliance requirements in the UK, Energy Savings and Opportunities Scheme (ESOS).
All our certifications meet and exceed the requirements of ISO standards and ensure consistent and comprehensive reporting, benchmarking and management of environmental and climate impacts. In addition, we offer product life cycle assessments, carbon calculators, materiality assessments on the Sustainable Development Goals and expertise in calculating and submitting science-based targets.